Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Unique and Inspiring Mother Lawrence

     Julia O'Malley once wrote a story in her column on The Anchorage Daily News about Mother Lawrence, a woman well known in Anchorage, Alaska, for giving to the needy - for free. You can view the story here: Mother Lawrence told Julia the most honest and hilarious thing I've ever heard - "With each of my children my breasts got smaller, and my feet got bigger. I said, 'God, you have a sense of humor.' "
      Mother Lawrence and her husband Jacob have given to others almost their whole entire life. This is a type of kindness that is uncommon in this day and age. I admire what she has done over the years, and what she continues to do. Even when I was in grade school, I remember people talking about the food boxes and clothes you can get from her. She gives away boxes of food, clothing, winter gear and what ever else is in her reach. All of this and she doesn't require an income limit, application, or interview process. It's all free.
     When our money situation gets better, I plan on sending money to help her cause. If you are in the Anchorage area and have items that you want to get rid of: clothes, winter gear, baby items, or anything; I urge you to please donate them to Mother Lawrence, to help those in need.

The Mother Lawrence Foundation
3609 Richmond Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99508-1134
(907) 272-0989

Proverbs 22:9 (New International Version, ©2011)

 9 The generous will themselves be blessed,
   for they share their food with the poor.


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